Interior Painting Portland Oregon
When we are painting your home, we take extra special care of your property. The paint is only applied to the proper surfaces and not to the floors, furnishings or pets. You will not hear loud music playing, lots of talking, or see a messy jobsite.
Instead, you will see a professional staff of painters who will properly prepare the surfaces for paint removal first, cover the areas they are not painting, thoroughly clean up each day and paint according to the best paint industry standards.
Complete Interior Painting
- Painting of Walls – Drywall and Plaster
- Painting of Ceilings
- Door Painting and Staining
- Window Painting and Staining
- Spray Painting of Plantation Shutters
- Custom Cabinet Painting and Finishing
- Kitchen Cabinet Painting
- Bathroom Cabinet Painting
- Painting of Wood Paneling and Wainscot
- Baseboard, Crown and other Trim Moldings
Staining & Finishing of New/Existing Woodwork & Cabinetry
- New Cabinets (paint grade or stain grade)
- Existing Cabinets: paint or stain
- Entertainment Systems (paint, stain or faux finishes)
Stripping & Refinishing
- Cabinetry
- Wood Handrails